Wednesday, March 29, 2006


sometimes the fog permeates this place, this farm. you wonder what's around the next bend, ground clouds so thick. am I crossing some dimension into the sky? I know this place, so unfirmiliar, intimate stranger.

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Tuesday, March 28, 2006


looks like a sweet little 3ccd mini dv for some gurrila documentary

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Genetic Engineering

I found this amongst the news on google today: "US scientists have genetically engineered pigs in a way that they increase production of heart healthy omega-3 fatty acids in their bodies". Now i am a bit of a nutrition fanatic, and I do realize the benefit of omega-3 fat. Is there something specifically wrong with this concept? I guess not, but here is the trouble with franken foods, they are f***ing creepy! Hellooo? Who would want to eat genetically modified pig? NO thanks. I wouldn't really mind eating GMO corn, what and with it being a plant and all. Animal GMO, Ickey!

Monday, March 27, 2006

Bog goings on

the word of the day is sprinkler heads, getting ready for frost. The sun is finally shining, even though it is only 48 degrees.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

coffee shop news

Blog, my new toy. and its free! This my local coffee shop has free wireless internet. Sweet. I have to get the girl to ice skating lessons by 3 in New Bedford. See you in a while. My life by blog

Oh boy, here comes the guy who thinks he is the cat’s ass. My wife told me a story about him: He works at the coffee shop, and was incensed that she didn’t notice when he was gone for 3 weeks.

meditation & contemplation

sippican land trust Howland Marsh property provides refuge before Sunday's activities, birthday party and ice skating lessons

Unfortunatly I came home to the kids screaming at each other. My meditation did not pay dividends today, as i did not act as Buddha would. Oh well, maybe next time. Or is there a next time? No... there is only now. I always see the truth after the fact, when it no longer exists. Such a human being I am.

Prime Time

There was an article in the Globe South section today concerning dirt bikes, quads and property access issues. There was one mention of "bogs", but the reporter was focusing on areas north of the farm. Interesting that people believe that the have a right to have somewhere to ride these wretched bikes, if only because the own them. 90,000 Massachusetts households have dirt bikes or quads, and that is where the god given right comes in I suppose. Hmmm. Stupid kids and stupider parents. Bikes that make good babysitters, damn the landowners. What if I drove my truck, tires spinning, through one of there yards? What then?